Business energy savings made easy


Tips to help make business energy savings – and save cash

Energy can be one of the biggest overheads for a business but having control over consumption - and wastage - can have a huge impact on costs and make valuable energy savings.

As temperatures begin to plummet, now is a great time to conduct an energy audit to ensure that the office is running as energy-efficient as possible.

We’ve compiled some simple steps, which could help drive down costs this winter:


  • Conduct an energy audit. Take regular meter readings throughout the year to keep a record of how much energy your business is using. This will make it easier to spot when improvements are working and when they’re not
  • It’s no good being energy efficient on your own, you need the whole team involved. Appoint an ‘energy champion’ to keep an eye out for wastage and help contribute with new ideas
  • You could claim tax incentives if you are willing to invest in energy saving technologies and products through the Government’s Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) Scheme
  • Turn off lights. Encourage staff to switch off lights when not in use. A 100w light bulb could cost around £50 a year if left on constantly
  • Turn off other appliances. Make sure that computers, kettles, microwaves and other electronics that can be switched off are switched off at night. One computer left on 24 hours a day will cost a business more than £50 a year. Switch off photocopiers, printers and other office equipment when not in regular use
  • Swap to low-energy bulbs. Making the switch can save money in the long run so replace fluorescent tubes with slim-line versions
  • Seal draughts. Ensure your office space is suitably draught proofed around windows and doors to stop precious heat escaping
  • What are employees wearing? If everyone is walking around in T-shirts, it may be time to adjust the thermostat. Ensure you use time switches to stop unnecessary use of lighting and heating
  • Use movement detectors to control lighting. These can be placed in toilets, meeting rooms and other areas that are not in constant use so lights automatically switch out after a certain length of time
  • Manage your waste. Whether it is paper, toner cartridges, glass, electrical equipment, liquids or even food, cost savings can be made with efficient management of your business waste
  • Switch energy suppliers. Know when your current deal expires and don’t get caught out. You don’t want to be rolled over on to an expensive contract you can’t get out of. Switching your supplier can result in substantial savings and Total Energy Solutions can help you find the right deal for your business and save you money.

Alastair Carnegie, managing director of Cornish energy brokers Total Energy Solutions, said: “Many people are energy conscious in their own homes but when it comes to business, not all employees will be singing from the same song sheet. By introducing these simple energy saving tips, the savings that can be made over a period of time can be substantial.

“There are so many demands in running a business it can be easy to forget about energy, but it can be one of the biggest overheads for a business. It is important that businesses know when their contracts are up for renewal and to ensure they are getting the best price for their needs. Energy brokers are often criticized for being cut throat deal-makers who want to get you the best price then move on. We are different in that we not only get the best price for your gas and electricity supply, we also explain how the industry works making the complex simple. That’s why we see customers coming back time and time again.”

To see how we can help, call us on 01579 370073.


For further information contact Jayne Freer on 07711 264087 or email

Notes To Editor:

  • Total Energy Solutions is a trusted market leader in brokering energy deals for small, medium and large companies across Devon and Cornwall
  • We believe in open and honest communication with our clients about energy and prices and are transparent about the commission earned
  • We have signed up to the TPI Code of Practice
  • We strongly believe that businesses should give something back to the communities in which they work and we give 10% of our profit and time to local charitable organisations